3 minutes read

A form displays a set of related user input fields in a structured way. Forms are an integral part of any UI. They establish an asynchronous communication channel between businesses and users.

Data First Approach:

The data-first approach automatically defines the form structure based on the existing data schema of the platform, saving time and reducing errors. However, it may not allow for much customization.

Manual Approach:

The manual approach involves manually defining the form structure of your choice, giving you complete control over the design and layout of the form.

Use Linked Business Objects in Forms

Set as Primary Display Attribute:
To display a linked business object (BO) in a form or datagrid along with the parent BO, you can set a primary display attribute for the linked BO. This means that when the parent BO is selected, the primary display attribute of the linked BO will be shown in the form or datagrid.


If you set the customer name as the primary display attribute for the Customer BO, when an account BO (parent BO) is selected, the name of the customer will be displayed in the form or datagrid.

Linked Business Objects can be used in forms in different ways:

  • One-to-One Composition: An employee can have only one supervisor.
  • One-to-Many Composition: An employee can have multiple accounts. The form should allow entering multiple accounts. To do this, a popup with a data grid can be created to enter account details.
  • One-to-One Aggregation: An employee can have only one passport, and each passport is associated with a specific employee.
  • One-to-Many Aggregation: A department can have multiple employees, but each employee can be associated with only one department.

In the case of a one-to-many scenario where an employee has multiple accounts, a form is created with a data grid to enter account details. To update the information in the data grid, use the "Add Popup" option in the micro toolbar to open a popup and enter the details.