Pass Parameters in and out of the Workflow

Modified on Wed, 14 Jun 2023

Here are the steps for passing parameters between the UI and workflow, along with how the output can be fetched and returned to the UI:

Passing Parameters from UI to Workflow

  1. In the UI, provide a UI element to collect the required information from the user. This can be a text input, dropdown menu, or any other appropriate input mechanism.
  2. Set the behavior of the button or action that triggers the process invocation. This includes defining the input parameters for the workflow.
  3. When defining the behavior, specify the input parameters of the workflow. You can pass Input parameters as static values, expressions, and context variables.
  4. When the user interacts with the button or triggers the action, the associated input value will be automatically passed as the input parameter to the workflow.
  5. The workflow will receive the input parameter and can process it accordingly during its execution.

Fetching and Passing Output from Workflow to UI

  1. After the workflow execution is complete, retrieve the execution history.
  2. Access the desired output from the workflow. For example,
  3. Pass the fetched output from the workflow back to the UI. This can be done by displaying it in the appropriate UI element, such as a label or a result field.

If the workflow returns an employee's name as an output, you can fetch it using "Statement1.workflowOutput.result.employeeName", where Statement1 represents the specific step in the workflow that calls the "getemployeeid" process.