When you configure your inbox, the system sets up the Email Receive Process, which enables you to receive and manage incoming emails. This process automatically creates the ReceivedEmail Business Object (BO) to store the details of the received emails.

When configuring the read settings for your mailbox, you have the following options:

  1. Enable Read Email: Toggle this option to start reading your emails. When enabled, the system retrieves incoming emails and populates the ReceivedEmail BO with their details.
  2. Mark Email as Read: Enable this option to automatically mark any retrieved email as read.
  3. Move Read Emails to Folder: Specify a folder where read emails should be moved. The system will automatically move emails marked as read to the specified folder.
  4. Delete Email after Reading: Enable this option to automatically delete emails from your inbox after they have been read.

Ensure that the input parameter is exactly "receivedEmail" (case sensitive) for accurate processing.

Trigger the Workflow for the Email Receive Process

To initiate the Email Receive Process workflow and ensure the automatic retrieval of incoming emails, you need to define the receivedEmail Business Object (BO) in the start node and establish a direct link with that business object. This link allows the workflow to populate the ReceivedEmail BO with the details of the received emails, enabling further actions and processing within the workflow.