When building an app, you may need to perform aggregate calculations on specific data and use the calculated output on your application screens or workflows. To accomplish this, you can create an Aggregate business object (BO) from a parent BO.

An aggregate BO is a summarized view of the data in the parent BO, and it provides calculated values that can be used throughout the app.

Aggregates can be created using different functions such as sum, count, average(avg), maximum(max), and minimum(min). You could also create Custom Expressions to perform functions that are unique to your specific needs or requirements.


The Accounts BO contains information about customer accounts and their balances. To create a summarized view of the account balances by branch that can be used in the application screens, you can create an aggregate BO over the Accounts BO.

To create an Aggregate you may need to : 

  1. Open the micro toolbar and click the  icon.
  2. Click the Create Aggregate View option.

    A new Aggregate BO is created for you to perform the required functions.

  3. Create a new attribute, for example, Total Balance.
  4. Define the datatype of the attribute as number.
  5. Select the function from the populated list, for example, Sum is selected.

The aggregate BO summarizes the account balances by branch, making it easier to analyze the data and make informed decisions.