This document is a draft version and subject to further review and revision. Please refrain from distributing or relying on its contents as final.

The publishing of applications involves preparing them for distribution and making them available for deployment in various environments.

Publishing Process

  • During the building phase, a copy of the application runs in the development environment. The development environment, often within a dedicated namespace or sandbox, serves as a reference for further development and testing.
  •  All published components are stored in the component library. The component library serves as a repository for versioned components. It stores the published application components, including the application itself and smaller reusable elements like UI components and controls.
  • Published components appear in the App Store.
  • The published application can now be deployed to various environments.

Publish Versions

Publishing is initiated using the publish button on the global toolbar.

  1. Enter Version Details:
    • Version Number: The version number is split into three components: Major, Minor, and Patch.
    • Major: Indicates a logical change in the overall application.
    • Minor/Patch: Represents patch releases depending on the type of changes made.
  2. The current version of the application is automatically filled to enable quick increments or modifications.
  3. Short Description: A mandatory field with a maximum of 150 characters for providing a brief description.
  4. Summary Warning Label: Displays collaborators who are currently working on the application and have unsaved content. 
  5. Relaunch Sandbox: Allow the immediate recreation of the sandbox for editing after creating the new version.
  6. Add Release Notes to the version using the rich text controller.  
  7. Review Change Log:

    This stage allows the publisher to review the components that have been edited since the last publish of the application.

  • All three fields (Major, Minor, Patch) are mandatory.
  • Only numeric values are accepted for version numbering.
  • Version number must be unique.

Publishing to Library screen opens that displays the list of actions being performed during the application's publishing process. The system polls for the current status of the application every 10 seconds. In case of any errors, the published version is suspended, and error details are displayed. The system evaluates if retrying a particular step is possible; otherwise, the entire publish step needs to be restarted.