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By fetching the relevant data from the business object, you can create various types of charts, such as pie charts and column charts. These charts provide visual representations of the data, enabling easier analysis, comparison, and understanding of the information contained within the business object.

A bar chart shows data in horizontal bars.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Column charts are useful for showing data changes over a period of time or for illustrating comparisons among items.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Line charts in UI design display data over time, connecting data points with a continuous line.
Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Pie charts are often used to represent sample data with data points belonging to a combination of different categories.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Area chart
An "Area Chart"  displays quantitative data as a series of data points connected by filled areas.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Bubble ChartA "Bubble Chart" represents data points as bubbles or circles on a two-dimensional plane.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Donut ChartA "Donut Chart" displays data as a circular chart with a hole in the center, representing the proportions of different categories or values.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Funnel ChartA "Funnel Chart" represents a sequential process with progressively narrowing stages, showing the conversion or drop-off rates at each stage.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Gauge ChartA "Gauge Chart" represents a single value on a circular scale, typically used to show progress, levels, or measurements in a visually intuitive manner.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Progress Chart
A "Progress Chart" represents the advancement or completion of a task, process, or goal over time.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Pyramid Chart
A "Pyramid Chart" displays data in the shape of a pyramid, often used to represent hierarchical relationships or proportional data.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Radar ChartA "Radar Chart" displays data points on multiple axes radiating from a central point, showing the relative values of different data categories.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Scatter ChartA "Scatter Chart" represents individual data points as dots or markers on a two-dimensional plane.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Semipie ChartA "Semi-Pie Chart" displays data as a half-circle or semi-circle, showing the proportions of different values.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Stempline ChartA "Stem-and-Leaf Plot" (Stempline Chart) presents numerical data in a tabular format.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Variable pie ChartA "Variable Pie Chart" displays data as a pie chart with variable-sized slices, representing proportions of different values with varying slice areas.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.