
In Data Editor, Operations typically refer to the various transformations and manipulations that can be applied to the data.
System-defined operations are available in the Operations tab of each BO. They are:

  • Create: Adds data to an existing BO
  • Update: Updates the data in an existing BO. 
  • Delete: Deletes the specified record in an existing BO
  • Get All: Retrieves all the data from a particular BO
  • Get by ID: Retrieves a specific record based on ID from the BO.
  • Patch: Modifies specific fields of an existing BO
  • Get By ID List: Retrieves a specific record based on a list of IDs from the BO
  • Bulk Upload: Allows for the simultaneous update of multiple records.

When developing an app, you can access business objects (BOs) through operations while designing the user interface in the UI Editor or defining workflows. 

For example, you can use the call node to update the details in a Business Object.


The Views option enables you to filter or narrow down the data based on specific criteria. A view will have the same attributes as the parent BO, but it will only display selected records. This allows you to see the data from a specific perspective that is relevant to your needs.


In an Accounts BO, you can create a view that shows only active accounts. This view can be accessed further, if you need to use the list of active accounts in forms or workflows.

  1. Navigate to the View tab and click the + icon to add a new view.
  2. Give a name to the filter and add expressions.
  3. Use the icon to create an Aggregate for the view.

Parameterizing Views

You can enhance the flexibility of views by parameterizing them. These parameters allow you to create dynamic filtering and data presentation, rather than sticking to static filters.

  1. In the view definition, use a dollar sign ($) followed by the parameter name to create a placeholder for the dynamic value. For example, Country==$CountryParameter.
  2. Select the datatype of the parameter from the drop-down available at the bottom left corner. For example, Single line text.
  3. Click the Save button.

When you're viewing a list of account holders, you can use a parameter like $CountryParameter to filter account holders based on different countries. So, instead of having separate static views for each country, you can pass the country name as a parameter from the UI editor or workflow editor. This way, you can switch between viewing account holders from the United States, the United Kingdom, or any other country.

By using placeholders in the view definition and providing values through the UI or workflow, you can customize data presentation without changing the underlying data editor configuration.