Design Application

Modified on Tue, 30 May 2023

4 minutes read

The Blueprint screen of an application gives you an overview of your application requirements, which is the first screen you see when you open a new app.

As per your business needs, you can design your Apps using the various Editors of our Platform. You can navigate to other editors using the global toolbar. available at the top.

The Editors are:

  1. Data Editor
  2. Workflow Editor
  3. UI Editor
  4. Document Editor

Data Editor

The data editor helps you to build a data layer for the application. Every Business entity is defined as a Business object in the Data Editor.  The platform in the background manages the underlying data model, storage, and other technical complexities.

Each Business Object has a defined set of attributes, for example, in an "Account" BO, Attributes could be Name, Account Number, Address, Phone number, Email, etc.

The data editor seamlessly translates the data storage layer into a database, ensuring efficient data management and retrieval. Every other editor uses business objects as data blocks for various operations or tasks.

Process Editor

Using the process editor, you can design individual tasks, workflows, or activities performed in batch or asynchronous form.

For example, Approval workflows, Document processing workflows, etc. 

UI Editor

You can design web pages using UI Editor. This screen design platform enables you to design UI pages using various UI Elements, containers, and charts.

Using the UI Editor, you can build sophisticated user experiences, such as a banking portal that offers detailed information on your accounts and transactions or a loan origination portal where you can capture loan origination for your customers.

Document Editor

Document editor allows you to handle your documents efficiently. With the Document editor, you can upload PDF documents and choose from three processing options: Extraction, Generation, and Digitization.

  • Extraction: Automatically extract data from PDF documents, such as invoices. For example, when you upload a PDF invoice, the Document editor can recognize and extract information like the date, customer name, billing address, and item details.
  • Generation: Write data directly into a PDF document. For instance, a bank can input loan application details captured on the digital portal and generate a filled up PDF document which can be sent for e-signature.
  • Digitization: Convert paper-based forms into interactive digital forms. For example, by uploading a paper-based survey form, you can transform it into an interactive digital survey form.

Supporting Editors

In addition to the previously mentioned Editors, there are a few supporting Editors as well.