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UI ElementDescriptionImageFeatures
A button in UI design is an interactive element that triggers an action or event when clicked.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Checkbox Group
A "Checkbox Group" UI element is a control allowing users to select multiple options from a set of checkboxes.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
A "Currency" UI element is a control allowing users to input or display monetary values .Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
A dropdown is a graphical control element in UI design that allows users to choose one option from a list of options.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
A "DurationPicker" UI element is a control enabling users to select time durations.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
An "Email" UI element is a control allowing users to input or display email addresses.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Input Stepper
An input stepper is a two-segment UI control used to incrementally increase or decrease a numeric value.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
IconA unique image used to represent an app on a user's device.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Line BreakLine breaks in UI design are used to separate text into individual lines, creating a new line of text each time a line break is inserted.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
PercentageA "Percentage" UI element is a control used to input or display numeric values as percentages.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Phone NumberA "Phone Number" UI element is a control used to input or display telephone numbers.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Radio Group
A "Radio Group" UI element is a control enabling users to select a single option from a group of mutually exclusive radio buttons.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
A separator is used to divide content into distinct sections, creating a visual break between elements

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
An "SSN" UI element is a control used to input or display Social Security Number.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Tags in UI design are keywords or labels applied to content to categorize and organize it, making it easier to search and find related information.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
 Text in UI design is a graphical element used to display written information on a user interface, providing content for users

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Text Area
A text area in UI design is a control element allowing users to input and edit multi-line text.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
A toggle in UI design is a binary switch allowing users to turn an option on or off, representing two exclusive states.
Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Date Picker
Date pickers are UI patterns that allow users to choose a specific date

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Time Picker
Date pickers are UI patterns that allow users to choose a specific time.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
File Upload
File Upload is a control element used to upload and display images within a web page or application.

Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.
Download Card
A "Download Card" UI element is a control providing users with the option to download specific files.Use the Micro toolbar to update the properties, add behaviors, and delete the element.