What are Behaviors?

Modified on Fri, 24 Feb 2023

2 minutes read

Behaviors are the pre-defined actions or rules that determine the way elements in the UI respond to certain events or user interactions.


Event is the trigger that happens in a UI element. The various events that can occur are Click, Load, Refresh, Hover, Focus, not on Focus, Select, Unselect, and Value change.

These events will vary based on the UI element selected. They are listed on the Behavior Listing page and can be edited or modified based on your app requirements. 

Conditions and Actions

Action is what should happen when an event is triggered. When the event is triggered and if you want an action to happen, you may define a condition there. 


When the button is clicked, Form page opens.

  • You can additional conditions over and above the event.

    When the button is clicked and the amount value in the amount field is greater than 1000, Form page opens.

  • A single event, such as a button click, can have multiple conditions and actions.

    Depends on the options selected from a drop-down menu, different actions can be created to define what should happen next. One action may specify that a form should open when "Savings" is selected, while another action may dictate that a different pop-up should appear when "Loan" is selected. 

The possible options for actions can be:

  1. Navigate to other pages, pop-ups, or dynamic objects: Select the required page that has to be navigated for a particular action in the UI element, for example, the form page opens when a Button is clicked.
  2. Select an existing BO operation: Select the required BO  from the drop-down. You can choose the BO operations which you want to execute. 
  3. Invoke a workflow: Select the workflows from the drop-down that have already been created in the application. 
  4. Select an existing service: Select the existing service from the drop-down.
  5. Set a context variable: In app development, it's possible to assign a context variable that can be utilized in subsequent stages of development. For instance, data inputted via the Text Area element can be passed to a context variable for later use.