What are Connectors?

Modified on Fri, 14 Jul 2023

This document is a draft version and subject to further review and revision. Please refrain from distributing or relying on its contents as final.


  • Connectors facilitate communication and interaction between different applications or systems.
  • They enable the exchange of data and functionality, acting as bridges between systems.
  • Connectors enhance the capabilities of platforms or applications by integrating them with external systems or services.


  • Providers are companies or services that offer functionalities or resources for integration purposes.
  • Examples of providers include Microsoft, SAP, Fiserv, and others.
  • Each provider offers a range of services or products that can be integrated into a platform.


  • Integrations are categorized based on their primary function or domain.
  • Categories help classify and group similar integrations together.
  • For example, categories may include finance, CRM, marketing, and more.


  • Operations refer to specific tasks or functionalities that can be performed using a particular integration or connector.
  • Examples of operations include retrieving customer data, processing transactions, generating reports, and more.

What Does Connector Integration Mean?

  • You can import your own connector definitions using an Open API specification.
  • Once imported, the connector's operations become available to Jiffy and its applications.
  • Connector specifications can be viewed as business objects from the data framework, allowing graphical visualization of inputs, outputs, and operations.
  • Connectors can be invoked from behaviors or workflows wherever data is required.
  • The connector API enables direct rendering of UI objects.
  • Jiffy's transformation engine allows quick modification of input data to match the required format using an Excel-like expression interface.
  • The platform currently supports on REST API integrations and standard authentication mechanisms - oAuth, Api key based auth, Basic auth etc.
  • For custom authentications Platform involvement is needed. Custom development required for SAOP / SDK based integrations and other custom integrations if any.
  • Custom development need dedicated effort and turn around time depends on the complexity.