How to Create Business Objects?

Modified on Mon, 04 Sep 2023

4 minutes read

This video will show you how BOs are created and attributes are added.

Additional Options in Data Editor

Hover on the top right corner of the BO to be modified. The micro toolbar opens with options to delete BO, change Properties, view in focus mode, and show sample data.

BO Properties


You can change the Name, Description, Primary Display Attribute,  Type, and icons, in the Properties tab.

There are two Types of Business Objects:

  1. Regular: Default type of Business Object that stores business data.
  2. Reference: Holds information needed for an application to function correctly. This data doesn't change often and serves as a reference for the application to access and use when needed. 

    For example, if there is a large list of countries and states, you may have to choose the type as Reference.

    When you are exporting or importing to other environments, the business object along with the Reference BO data gets imported/exported. 


The various options available are:

  1. Soft Delete: Mark as no longer valid without actually deleting from the database.  A query on the BO will not fetch the BO instances that are marked as deleted. Though the actual data is still available for audit purposes. 

    Soft deleted records are still considered for validation.


    If you are expecting the account number to be unique, a soft deleted record will prevent you from creating another record with the same account number. 

  2. Change Tracking: Add attributes Created Date, Created By, Last Modified Date, and Last Modified By to track changes. These fields will be auto-populated by the system when a record is created or modified in the BO.

Attribute Properties

Hover over the attribute to be modified. There are options to delete attributes, change properties and add links to the BO.

You can change the Name, Description, and Data type in the Properties tab and enable the following properties if required.

  • Set as Primary Display Attribute:  To display a linked business object (BO) in a form or datagrid along with the parent BO, you can set a primary display attribute for the linked BO. This means that when the parent BO is selected, the primary display attribute of the linked BO will be shown in the form or datagrid.

    If you set the customer name as the primary display attribute for the Customer BO, when an account BO (parent BO) is selected, the name of the customer will be displayed in the form or datagrid.

  • Derived Attribute: You can create a new attribute that is calculated from the existing attribute.

    If First Name and Last Name are available in two attributes, you can add expressions to derive an attribute for Full Name which is the concatenated output of the First Name and Last Name.

  • Add List of Values: Add a list of possible values for the attribute that restricts the values that the attribute can take. When this attribute is used in UI pages, this UI control is converted automatically to a drop-down.

    An attribute "Account Type" can only take values like Loan Account, Credit card Account, Savings account etc. 

  • Default Value:  If you do not provide a value when inserting a record, the column value will be updated with the default value.

    If you do not specify the percentage ownership, it will be added as 100 percent by default.