Configure Mailbox

Modified on Thu, 27 Jul 2023

You can configure your mailbox based on the inbox and outbox functionalities.


During an account onboarding process, you can configure the inbox to receive verification emails and automatically validate user accounts upon receiving the confirmation.

Configure Inbox

The inbox enables your application to receive, read, mark emails as read, move them to folders, and initiate actions based on their content. To configure the inbox for your application, follow these steps:

  1. Access your application's settings and open the page where you can add mailboxes.
  2. Click the Add Mailbox option.
  3. Select the Inbox option.
  4. Enter the Name, Description, and Incoming Protocol for the mailbox.
  5. Click the Create button. The pop-up window will expand to add the following details:
    1. Incoming Server: Enter the server address for incoming emails.
    2. Incoming Port: Specify the port number for incoming emails.
    3. User Name: Enter the username associated with the mailbox.
    4. Password: Provide the password for the mailbox.
  6. Click the Add button.

Now, the required configuration is added to the incoming mailbox of your application.

In some cases, when configuring email inboxes, basic authentication may not work due to security measures or specific email service requirements. You can use app passwords in such situations. App passwords are unique passwords generated for specific applications or devices to authenticate and access your email account without using your primary account password.

Any changes made to the credentials or settings of the application require a restart for the changes to take effect.

Configure Outbox

To configure the outbox for your application, select the Outbox option and enter the necessary server details, including the outgoing server, port, username, and password.

In addition, you will need to include the Email Address that will be used to send the emails.

For Gmail:

  • Incoming protocol: imaps
  • Incoming Server:
  • Incoming Port:993
  • Outgoing protocol: smtp
  • Outgoing server:
  • Outgoing port: 587

For Outlook:
If Exchange Server uses IMAPS Protocol:

  • Incoming protocol: imaps
  • Incoming Server:
  • Incoming port: 993
  • Outgoing protocol: smtp
  • Outgoing server:
  • Outgoing port: 587

If Exchange Server uses Exchange(EWS) Protocol:

  • Incoming protocol: EWS
  • Incoming Server:
  • Outgoing protocol: EWS
  • Outgoing server:

Remember that the process of generating app passwords or server details may vary depending on the email service provider. For specific instructions, always refer to the official documentation, support resources, or help center of your email service. Learn how to generate app passwords for your Gmail accounts by clicking here.

Test Credentials

You can ensure the accuracy and functionality of the configured inbox and outbox settings by testing the credentials.

  • Click the Test credentialsbutton to verify that the email credentials are valid.