Introduction to ETL

Modified on Wed, 06 Sep 2023

8 minutes read

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ETL stands for Extract, Transform, and Load, which is a data integration process used to move data from source systems to a target destination. ETL involves three main phases: extracting data from source systems, transforming it into a suitable format, and loading it into a target system.

ETL Workflow

  1. Extract:
    • Data is collected from various sources, such as databases, files, APIs, and external providers.
    • Extraction can be full (all data) or incremental (based on a filter).
  2. Transform:
    • Data is cleaned, validated, and transformed to fit the target schema.
    • Operations include data cleansing, aggregation, filtering,, and data type conversion.
    • Business rules are applied to ensure data consistency and accuracy.
  3. Load:
    • Transformed data is loaded into the target destination, such as a data warehouse or database.
    • Loading methods can be full (replace existing data) or incremental (update or append).

Benefits of ETL

  • Data Integration: ETL integrates data from disparate sources into a unified format.
  • Improved Data Quality: ETL processes clean and standardize data, reducing errors.
  • Efficient Analysis: Transformed data is ready for analysis and reporting.
  • Historical Data: ETL can handle historical data, enabling trend analysis.
  • Automation: ETL processes can be automated, reducing manual efforts.