8 minutes read

This document is a draft version and subject to further review and revision. Please refrain from distributing or relying on its contents as final.

UI ElementDescriptionSignature
isEmptyCheck if the value is empty (undefined or an empty string)isEmpty(value:undefined):
isPresentCheck if the value is present (not undefined and not an empty string)isPresent(value:undefined):
parseDateConvert string to dateparseDate(dateString:string, format:string):Date
getDateGet the day of the month of the given dategetDate(date:Date | number):number
strPrefixReturn the prefix part of an variable. prefix(aa.bb.cc) returns aastrPrefix(str:string, index:string):string
strSuffixReturn the suffix part of an variable. suffix(aa.bb.cc) returns bb.ccstrSuffix(str:string, index:string):string

See Also