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The deployment of applications involves installing them into specific environments after they have been published.

The deployment process installs the published application into target environments, such as staging, QA, or production. It ensures that the application is operational and ready for use in the respective environment.

Navigate to the Deployment screen to view the details of the deployed applications. It includes the Application name, Description, Version, Date of activation, Organisation, Environment, URL, and Status.

To deploy a new application, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the New Deployment button on the deployment console.
  2. Fill in the following fields in the form:
    • Organization: Select an organization from the tenant's organization management.
    • Application: Choose an application from the library using the search and select option.
    • Version: Select the desired version associated with the application.
    • Select Environment: Choose an environment from the dropdown list associated with the organization.
    • Target Configuration: The system recommends a list of configurations associated with the chosen application version.
    • Description: Provide a short description (up to 150 characters) for the deployment.
    • URL: Specify the subdomain to be associated with the tenant.
  3. Submit the form to initiate the deployment process.