Create workflow using Process Editor

Modified on Wed, 31 May 2023

5 minutes read

Different types of nodes are grouped together or used individually to automate a specific task. Each node has its own properties and functionalities.

The process editor includes a start and stop node by default. 

  1. To add more nodes, click the + icon between start and stop. 
  2. As soon as the plus button is clicked, a pop-up appears displaying a list of nodes that can be selected. Click the required nodes.
  3. Set up the nodes to work as your automation flow requires.

This example flow showcases a simplified customer onboarding process in the banking domain. It checks the customer's age using an "If-Else" node and sends a welcome email using the "Email Sender" node only if the customer meets the age requirement. Additionally, it includes a "Call" node to fetch additional information from a database.

  1. Start: The process begins with the default Start node.
  2. If-Else: Add an If-Else node to set the condition. If the customer's age is above 18, proceed to the Email Sender node. Else, skip and directly connect to the Stop node.
  3. Email Sender: Add an Email Sender node from the nodes library. Configure the email sender node to send a welcome email to the customer upon successful onboarding. Provide the necessary details such as the email content and recipient's email address.
  4. Call: Add a Call node by clicking the + icon. Configure the call node to fetch additional customer information from the database. Retrieve the customer's account details by selecting the required business object.
  5. Stop: The process ends with the default Stop node.