You can use a Call node to connect to third-party repositories. You can connect to BOs and perform the required BO Operations such as create, delete, fetch, etc.

  1. Add a new node by clicking the+ icon.
  2. Drag the Call node from the node library.
  3. Choose Data Service from the recommended connectors.
  4. Select the required BO operation, such as Delete, Create, or Update.
  5. Define mapping to pass values for performing the operation.


You can pass values to the BOs as either constants or variables. The output variable of each node is available to be mapped as input in all the subsequent nodes.

  • To Pass Constants: Enter the value in double quotes or single quotes.
  • To Pass Variable: Press Tab and select the required variable. You can add Expressions also if required.

Image description

Invoice Management with Supplier and Invoice Line Items

  1. Click the "+" icon to add a new node to the workflow.
  2. Click the "Call" node in the node library to add workflow canvas.
  3. Click on call node to open call node action panel.
  4. In the "Call" node action panel, choose "Data Service" from the list of recommended connectors. This will allow you to interact with the business objects (BOs).
  5. Select the BO Operation - Create, Update, get by id, Get All, Patch or Delete.  For this example, start with "Create" to create a new invoice.
  6. Define the mapping to pass values for the "Create" operation. This includes passing necessary data for the new invoice, such as invoice details, supplier information, and line items.
  7. To Fetch Supplier Details,  add another "Call" node to the workflow. Choose "Data Service" connector. Select the "Get by ID" operation for the "Supplier BO." Define mapping to pass the supplier ID from the created invoice to fetch supplier details.
  8. To fetch Invoice Line Items, add a third "Call" node to the workflow. Choose "Data Service" connector. Select the "Get by ID List" operation for the "Invoice Line Item BO." Define mapping to pass the list of invoice line item IDs from the created invoice to retrieve all associated line items.
  9. Update the existing invoice with new information. Add another "Call" node to the workflow. Choose "Data Service" connector. Select the "Update" operation for the "Invoice BO." Define mapping to pass the updated invoice details and any changes.
  10. To delete a specific invoice and its associated line items, add a last "Call" node to the workflow. Choose "Data Service" connector. Select the "Delete" operation for the "Invoice BO." Define mapping to pass the invoice ID or any criteria to delete the specific invoice.
  11. Additional Operations: You can extend the workflow to perform additional operations based on the retrieved data, such as calculating invoice totals, generating reports, or triggering notifications.