You can use For node when you want to iterate based on a list of objects or ranges. 

  1. Click and select the For node from Nodes Library.
  2. Add the required nodes inside the For loop.
  3. Click and open the node to provide the iterate condition.
  4. Enter the following details:
    • start value: The number you want to start counting from.
    • end value: The number you want to stop counting at (but don't include this number in the count).
    • variable name: The name you give to the current number you're counting. This lets you use the number later in your code.
    • interval: The amount you want to add to the current number each time you count. For example, if you start counting at 0 and use an interval of 2, you'll count 0, 2, 4, 6, etc.
    • parallel or single mode: The way you want to count. In "parallel" mode, you count all the numbers at the same time. In "single" mode, you count one number at a time and wait for each number to finish before counting the next one.
    • variable name: The name you give to a list where you want to store the results of each count. This lets you use the results later in your workflow.
  5. Click the save button to update the workflow.

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