
Modified on Thu, 03 Aug 2023

You can use the Transform node to modify the data during the workflow.

  • Multiple create or edit steps can be created in a transformation node.
  • Variables defined in the transformation node can be accessible in subsequent workflow nodes.
  • You can create a new context variable or edit an existing Business Object.
  1. Click and open the Transform node in your workflow.
  2. Select Action from the Create, Assign, or Edit options.


You can specify the variable name, select the type, and the multiplicity (single/list).


In the Assign step, you can initialize the value using the expression editor. In the expression editor, you can enter an expression with static or jiffy library functions or the available context variables. TAB key can list down all the available variables and library functions.


You can selectively update the Business Object attributes/properties.

  • If the attribute is of type List, all of its sub-attributes get replaced by the provided expression.
  • If the attribute is not a List type, only the assigned attributes get updated keeping the rest of the attributes unchanged.
  1. For each List type attribute, you can choose any of the below options.
    1. Expressions
    2. Map to:
    3. Map with filter>
  2. Give a reference variable name so that it can be used for further assignments.
  3. Write a filter condition (using a combination of reference variable, context variables, static text and jiffy library functions).


The transform node in the below example takes the financial data, and apply a rule that calculates the total amount and adds a fixed value to it.

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