
Modified on Tue, 22 Aug 2023


Use this function to check if two given dates fall within the same month and year. It returns true if the two dates are in the same month and year, and false otherwise.


isSameMonth(dateLeft, dateRight)


Return ValueDescription
True/FalseReturns true if the two dates are in the same month and year, otherwise false.


isSameMonth(2023-08-14, 2023-08-21)trueBoth dates, August 14th, 2023, and August 21st, 2023, are in the same month and year, so the function returns true.
isSameMonth(2023-08-14, 2023-09-05)falseThe two dates are in different months (August and September) and therefore not in the same month and year, so the function returns false.

To view all the Date functions, click here.

See Also