
Modified on Thu, 24 Aug 2023


Use this function to create a function that performs a partial deep comparison between the value at a specified path of a given object and a source value. It returns 'true' if the object value is equivalent to the source value; otherwise, it returns 'false'.


matchesProperty(path: PropertyPath, srcValue: T)


Return ValueDescription
BooleanReturns 'true' if the value at the specified path of the object is equivalent to the source value; otherwise, 'false'.


matchesProperty('city', 'New York')trueReturns 'true' because the value at the 'city' path of the object is 'New York', which matches the source value.
matchesProperty('state', 'NY')trueReturns 'true' because the value at the 'state' path of the object is 'NY', which matches the source value.

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See Also