Use Navigation Bar

Modified on Sun, 11 Jun 2023

 The navigation bar, also referred to as the menu bar, enables users to easily navigate between different pages or sections within your application. To customize the navigation bar in your app, follow these steps:

  1. Click the settings  icon located in the left-hand side toolbar.
  2. In the Content tab, you can add pages to either the top or bottom section of the navigation bar.
  3. Expand the dropdown menu of the desired section where you want to place your navigation item.
  4. Click the Add button.
  5. Select the required page from the available options.
  6. Customize the icon by selecting from a list of provided icons.
  7. Once added, the option will appear in the respective section, allowing users to navigate to the desired page.

For example, an option can be created in the Top section, represented by the Home icon, for uploading files.

Image description

In the Properties tab of the menu editor, you have the ability to modify various settings for each navigation bar item. These settings include:

  1. Name: Change the name of the navigation item.
  2. Label: Modify the label or text displayed for the item.
  3. Title: Add a title or tooltip for the navigation item.
  4. Type: Choose between primary or secondary type for different styling options.
  5. "Is Collapsed" Toggle Button: Toggle the visibility of the navigation item when the menu is collapsed or expanded.
  • Furthermore, you can customize the behavior of the navigation bar using the behavioral editor.