- Name: The name refers to the identifier or reference assigned to the separator element.
- Label: The label is the text or content displayed above or alongside the separator element.
- Separator Orientation: This option allows you to specify the orientation of the separator, such as horizontal or vertical.
- Separator Style: This option allows you to choose the style or appearance of the separator, such as dashed, line, etc.
- Separator Length: This option allows you to specify the length of the separator.
- Padding: The space between the content of the UI element and its border.
- Margin: The space between the UI element and the surrounding elements, such as the edge of the screen or another UI element.
- Color: The color of the UI element's content, such as text or icons.
- Background color: The color of the UI element's background.
- Border: The line that surrounds the UI element, separating it from other elements.
- Border thickness: The width of the border line.
- Border radius: The degree of rounding of the corners of the border line.
- Type Settings: The specific settings that are available for each UI element type, such font family, font weight, or font size.
Click the + button to add conditions.