Area Chart

Modified on Thu, 03 Aug 2023

An "Area Chart" is a data visualization element that displays quantitative data as a series of data points connected by filled areas, showing the magnitude of values over a continuous interval.


  • Name: The name refers to the identifier or reference of the area chart element.
  • Label: The label is the text or content displayed above or alongside the area chart element.
  • Graph Name: This property specifies the name or title of the area chart.
  • Themes: Themes are used to define the visual appearance of the area chart.
  • Zoom and Pan: This property enables or disables zooming and panning functionality in the area chart.
  • Grid Lines: Grid lines are used to display reference lines on the chart.
  • Legend: The legend represents the meaning of different elements in the chart.
  • Scrollbar: Scrollbars allow users to scroll through the chart when there is overflow.
  • Export: Export allows users to save the chart as an image or in a specific format.
  • Cursor: The cursor property determines the type of cursor displayed when hovering over the chart.
  • Layout: Layout refers to the positioning and arrangement of elements in the chart.
  • Value: The value represents the data points used to draw the area chart.

See Also