Business Object Read Node

Modified on Thu, 21 Sep 2023

You can use Business Object Read node to retrieve data from business objects.

  1. Read from Business Object: Specify the source business object for data retrieval.
  2. Using this Filter or Operations: Apply criteria to refine the data retrieved from the business object.
  3. Selecting Fields: Choose specific attributes or fields to retrieve from the business object. This option lets you fetch only the data relevant to your current process or task, such as "Name," "Email," or "Phone Number."
  4. Store Result in Variable: Assign a variable to store the retrieved data.
  5. Sorting Output by Fields: Organize the retrieved data based on specified fields. For example, you might want to sort a list of orders by their creation date in ascending or descending order.
  6. Limit to This Number of Records: Set a maximum limit on the number of records to retrieve. This option allows you to set a maximum number of records to be returned. For instance, you could limit the results to the top 5 customers with the highest purchase amounts.